About you

Tales from the Struggling Empath is my new way of journaling. Publishing my "diary" to try and help or give some hope, even one person might think to themselves "thank fuck I am not as crazy as her". Then good I am not ashamed to put my story out there.  I daily take the piss out of myself while struggling with my dark night of the soul. After the dark days though. 
About me then, I am not putting my name on here, look already my adhd brain kicking in thinking I'll get more than one reader and I'll be stalked and signing autographs...haha joke. 
Truth is I knew before I was awakened to all of this that one day I would tell my story. Even started a course to learn how to write my book but like I said adhd, kind of a pain when you get sidetracked by anything shiny then completely forget what you was doing. 
I have children, as many of us do, but after years of the universe trying every way it could to awaken me, being completely oblivious I did not even notice until now when I look back, basically from the day I was born. What shook me to my core and opened my eyes was the universe literally turned my house into all of my favourite horror films to, how can i put it. Scare the holy living fuck out me. To know about that though, need to keep reading the blog. It's actually funny/terrifying with a hint of how far can we push her to break. But the truth is My children. They got scared. I had to man up, break out my super mam cape and save the fucking day with the help of 2 lots of paranormal investigators, my boyfriend who never believed In ghosts to having one next to him on our bed, I have the photos to put up with my diary too by the way. 
welcome to my blog, not created for entertainment purposes, it's the shit storm I call my life xx